
AH NOW I'M REALLY FELT GUILTY. SO MUCH! I've neglected this for so long. Too long! It was like three or four months ago, perhaps? No happy fasting greeting, no schooldays stories here, no World Cup. Blah. It's just trashy. I have loads of things to do! More than ever. So I do more active on twitter, lately. I'm not asking you to follow mine, really. But just in case that perhaps someday you missed me, I'll tell my twitter account to follow, though. Hee hee. You can just visit this link: http://twitter.com/Chachaaaw. Although i actually don't think there will be any following request.

Big thanks to everyone who was visiting my blog. So some of you might think that I'm interested at photography. I can say, yes. I really am interested way too much about it. Just as much as books! Btw Does any of you love Harry Potter stories? I do too. Just telling you that because JKR has finished her series of masterpiece, you could check out Harry Potter fan fiction. A little bit promotion again (hehe) you should check out my account at fanfiction.net too. I write Draco/Hermione stories. This is the link: http://fanfiction.net/~Cherrrrrrypie. Enjoy.

So I actually don't have any subjects here. Beside, happy fasting everybody! There are just five days more to go, sadly :( I always wait Ramadhan to come, but it went so fast. And Ied Mubarak is coming! Be a better person than last year, everyone. May Allah bless us in every way we've chosen. Allahu akbar! :D

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